Small investment,
lifetime change

Unlocking the benchmarked responses of your board members quickly identifies ‘hot spots’ and empowers your board to drive change

Board effectiveness benchmarked surveys
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Our Entry Level Board Survey uses the same survey as our popular FREE Trial Board Survey for individual users. This means that individual directors or a company secretary can try the free version before they buy the Entry Level Survey. Scroll down to see exactly what’s included in the benchmarked report or download a copy of the benchmarked report here.

Scroll horizontally to see pricing tables

Free Trial
Board Survey

Try a FREE 4 minute survey and get a benchmark report

Trial version for a single user

See what’s included in the survey
  • Number of survey statements included: 24
  • Number of open questions: 2
  • Number of Directors & Executives: 1
  • Minutes taken to complete: 5

Entry Level
Board Survey

For community and other
small organisations

Includes benchmarked Report

A survey designed In partnership with

See what’s included in the survey
  • Number of survey statements included: 24
  • Number of open questions: 2
  • Minimum number of Directors: 4
  • Minutes taken to complete: 5

Optional Extras +

Expert advice to Chair (and not to the Board) for the board report
  • Analysis of the Benchmarked Report and advice on how to interpret and act on the report for 30 minutes by video.
Survey sent to executives and additional reporting
  • Survey also sent to chosen executives to complete.
  • A table comparing the average director and average executive response will be included in the report if 3 or more executives complete the survey.
  • Inclusion of frequency count for executive responses if 4 or more complete the survey.
  • Ratings and comments made by executives are merged with those of directors to protect the anonymity of executives in the benchmarked report.
Director Effectiveness Module added plus scorecards - price includes all Directors
  • 3 survey items to assess the effectiveness of each director added to end of Board Survey (on teamwork, contribution and strategic direction)
  • 2 open ended questions in relation to each director added (main areas of value add and any suggestions)
  • If you choose for executives to do your Board Survey you can choose that executives be excluded from completing this Module
  • A Director Effectiveness Scorecard for each director sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party to distribute and discuss with each Director
Committee Effectiveness Module added plus scorecards - price includes all Committees
  • 3 survey items to assess the effectiveness of each committee added to end of Board Survey (on appropriate skills, effectiveness and reporting to the board)
  • 2 open ended questions in relation to each committee added (main areas of value add and any suggestions)
  • If you choose for executives to do your Board Survey you can choose that executives be excluded from completing this Module
  • A Committee Effectiveness Scorecard for each committee sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party to distribute and discuss with each Committee Chair
Preparation of an Executive Summary for the board report (no interviews)
  • Analysis of the benchmarked board report and preparation of an Executive Summary.
  • Executive Summary to include insights and 3 or 4 main recommendations prepared by an expert Board Advisory Partner
Limited interviews (4) and preparation of an Executive Summary
  • 30 minute interviews by video – normally with the Chair, CEO and two directors chosen by you
  • Executive Summary to include insights and recommendations based on the interviews and review of the board report
Expert advice to Chair and then to the Board for the board report
  • Same as above (Expert advice to the Chair but not the Board) Plus
  • Presentation to the board by video including how to interpret and act on the benchmarked report and answering any questions

Our surveys are designed to be a self-managed process – resulting in a more affordable survey option that still has all the benefits of a world-class validated framework and benchmarked reporting. These surveys are best suited small organisations and not-for-profits, or those wanting a lite touch review of their board. Call us if you need help to choose.

Scroll horizontally to see pricing tables

Free Trial
Board Survey

Try a FREE 4 minute survey and get a benchmark report

Trial version for a single user

See what’s included in the survey
  • Number of survey statements included: 24
  • Number of open questions: 2
  • Number of Directors & Executives: 1
  • Minutes taken to complete: 5

Board Survey

For smaller organisations
and lite touch reviews

Includes benchmarked Report
and FREE advice to chair

See what’s included in the survey
  • Number of survey statements included: 34
  • Number of open questions: 4
  • Minimum number of Directors & Executives: 4
  • Minutes taken to complete: 10
Most popular

Board Survey

For small to
medium organisations

Includes benchmarked Report
and FREE advice to chair

See what’s included in the survey
  • Number of survey statements included: 47
  • Number of open questions: 4
  • Minimum number of Directors & Executives: 4
  • Minutes taken to complete: 14
Expert advice to Chair (and not to the Board) for the board report
  • Analysis of the Benchmarked Report and advice on how to interpret and act on the report for 30 minutes by video.

Survey sent to executives and additional reporting
  • Survey also sent to chosen executives to complete.
  • A table comparing the average director and average executive response will be included in the report if 3 or more executives complete the survey.
  • Inclusion of frequency count for executive responses if 4 or more complete the survey.
  • Ratings and comments made by executives are merged with those of directors to protect the anonymity of executives in the benchmarked report.
Director Effectiveness Module added plus scorecards - price includes all Directors
  • 3 survey items to assess the effectiveness of each director added to end of Board Survey (on teamwork, contribution and strategic direction)
  • 2 open ended questions in relation to each director added (main areas of value add and any suggestions)
  • If you choose for executives to do your Board Survey you can choose that executives be excluded from completing this Module
  • A Director Effectiveness Scorecard for each director sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party to distribute and discuss with each Director
Committee Effectiveness Module added plus scorecards - price includes all Committees
  • 3 survey items to assess the effectiveness of each committee added to end of Board Survey (on appropriate skills, effectiveness and reporting to the board)
  • 2 open ended questions in relation to each committee added (main areas of value add and any suggestions)
  • If you choose for executives to do your Board Survey you can choose that executives be excluded from completing this Module
  • A Committee Effectiveness Scorecard for each committee sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party to distribute and discuss with each Committee Chair
Preparation of an Executive Summary for the board report (no interviews)
  • Analysis of the benchmarked board report and preparation of an Executive Summary.
  • Executive Summary to include insights and 3 or 4 main recommendations prepared by an expert Board Advisory Partner
Limited interviews (4) and preparation of an Executive Summary
  • 30 minute interviews by video – normally with the Chair, CEO and two directors chosen by you
  • Executive Summary to include insights and recommendations based on the interviews and review of the board report
Expert advice to Chair and then to the Board for the board report
  • Same as above (Expert advice to the Chair but not the Board) Plus
  • Presentation to the board by video including how to interpret and act on the benchmarked report and answering any questions

Thanks to our partner Board Benchmarking, our Advanced and Premium Board Effectiveness Surveys take a more in depth look at your board’s effectiveness. Using our streamlined self-managed process, the benchmarked report gives you the most comprehensive survey option for your next board review. Call us if you need help to choose.

Scroll horizontally to see pricing tables

Free Trial
Board Survey

Try a FREE 4 minute survey and get a benchmark report

Trial version for a single user

See what’s included in the survey
  • Number of survey statements included: 24
  • Number of open questions: 2
  • Number of Directors & Executives: 1
  • Minutes taken to complete: 5

Board Survey

For medium to
larger organisations

Includes benchmarked Report
and FREE advice to chair

See what’s included in the survey
  • Number of survey statements included: 59
  • Number of open questions: 4
  • Minimum number of Directors & Executives: 4
  • Minutes taken to complete: 18

Board Survey

For large

Includes benchmarked Report
and FREE advice to chair

See what’s included in the survey
  • Number of survey statements included: 85
  • Number of open questions: 4
  • Minimum number of Directors & Executives: 4
  • Minutes taken to complete: 24
Expert advice to Chair (and not to the Board) for the board report
  • Analysis of the Benchmarked Report and advice on how to interpret and act on the report for 30 minutes by video.
Survey sent to executives and additional reporting
  • Survey also sent to chosen executives to complete.
  • A table comparing the average director and average executive response will be included in the report if 3 or more executives complete the survey.
  • Inclusion of frequency count for executive responses if 5 or more complete the survey.
  • Ratings and comments made by executives are merged with those of directors to protect the anonymity of executives in the benchmarked report.
Director Effectiveness Module added plus scorecards - price includes all Directors
  • 3 survey items to assess the effectiveness of each director added to end of Board Survey (on teamwork, contribution and strategic direction)
  • 2 open ended questions in relation to each director added (main areas of value add and any suggestions)
  • If you choose for executives to do your Board Survey you can choose that executives be excluded from completing this Module
  • A Director Effectiveness Scorecard for each director sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party to distribute and discuss with each Director
Committee Effectiveness Module added plus scorecards - price includes all Committees
  • 3 survey items to assess the effectiveness of each committee added to end of Board Survey (on appropriate skills, effectiveness and reporting to the board)
  • 2 open ended questions in relation to each committee added (main areas of value add and any suggestions)
  • If you choose for executives to do your Board Survey you can choose that executives be excluded from completing this Module
  • A Committee Effectiveness Scorecard for each committee sent directly to the Chair or other nominated party to distribute and discuss with each Committee Chair
Preparation of an Executive Summary for the board report (no interviews)
  • Analysis of the benchmarked board report and preparation of an Executive Summary.
  • Executive Summary to include insights and 3 or 4 main recommendations prepared by an expert Board Advisory Partner
Limited interviews (4) and preparation of an Executive Summary
  • 30 minute interviews by video – normally with the Chair, CEO and two directors chosen by you
  • Executive Summary to include insights and recommendations based on the interviews and review of the board report
Expert advice to Chair and then to the Board for the board report
  • Same as above (Expert advice to the Chair but not the Board) Plus
  • Presentation to the board by video including how to interpret and act on the benchmarked report and answering any questions

What’s in the benchmarked report?

We benchmark your board’s effectiveness overall, and in the key areas that make up a board’s effectiveness. Survey items are broken down with Director responses and comparable figures are shown if a previous benchmarked report was completed after January 1 2020.

Frequently Asked Questions

Self managed means you manage the distribution of the survey weblink to your chosen survey recipients (ie. your directors and any chosen executives who regularly attend board meetings). You also manage the timely completion of the survey by ensuring all chosen recipients complete the survey by your pre-chosen survey closure date.

The main differences are:

  • Because it is a self managed process you can send out the survey link to your chosen recipients within 24 hours of buying the survey. Most other survey processes take a week or two of set up before the survey can be launched.
  • The survey is world class having been through a university validation process. Very few other surveys are world class.
  • Your results will be benchmarked against comparable organisations. Most others are not benchmarked.
  • Because it is self managed it is more affordable than most others.

Yes! We offer a FREE shortened version of our world-class Board Survey designed for a single user. It will only take you about 5 minutes and you will also receive a report based on your responses that is benchmarked against our database.

For best results when completing the survey think about a particular board to make the experience as true to life as possible. You do not need to name the board when completing the survey.

Once you click the link after completing the shortened trial survey you will be sent a benchmarked report based on your responses. This is a shortened version of the same report your board would receive if everyone on the board responded to the survey in the same manner that you have.

Try a FREE Survey

Clear definitions are used in our surveys to make it clear that certain titles in one organisation (eg. CEO) can have different meanings in other organisations (eg. National Director, General Manager, Principal, Vice-Chancellor, etc.). Because we use clear definitions it saves you the time and it saves us the cost to change the definitions enabling us to make your survey even more affordable.

A pre survey form will be sent to you that will allow you to select your parameters for your board survey and report – this includes whether you’d like your board compared with the complete Board Survey database, or just those within your industry.

Your benchmarked report will be based on your request.

We will only produce a benchmarked report if at least 4 director responses have been received. We will only include the average response of executives in a benchmarked report if at least three executives have completed the survey. This approach protects the anonymity of participant responses and encourages participants to provide candid responses.

All ratings by directors of Board Effectiveness Survey items are included together to provide one average rating in relation to each survey item. The frequency of director ratings is also displayed in the Board Effectiveness Report but director anonymity is protected as the rating of an item is not linked to a specific director(s).

Ratings by executives of Board Effectiveness Survey items are included together to provide one average rating in relation to each survey item but such average is only displayed if at least three executives completed the survey. The frequency of each executive rating is also displayed in the Board Effectiveness Report but only if at least four executives completed the survey. Executive anonymity is protected as the rating of an item is not linked to a specific executive(s).

Written comments made by directors and executives are reported verbatim and included together in the benchmarked report to protect the anonymity of individual respondents. Comments are not attributed to any individual unless that person includes their name with their written comments or identifies themselves by virtue of their writing style or particular views.

No software is required to be downloaded. No permanent cookies are saved and non-traceable cookies only saved by the client browser for the length of the log-in session so they can be verified.

A 256-bit TLS encrypted communications and encrypted data storage are used to secure all data.

The platform solution utilises Microsoft Azure Public Cloud Services and has extremely high availability, replication and disaster recovery features. Azure holds around 90 Certifications including ISO 27001 & Australian IRAP Certification.

At the moment the survey items are only available in English and Spanish. Comments can be written in any language and are reported verbatim, without translation.

Once the Board Survey business expands further around the world, the survey will be translated into other languages.

If you would like the survey translated into a specific language please let us know.

Board Surveys currently has Board Advisory Partners in most corners of the world. This allows for local and relevant advice in managing and administering the survey or post survey expert advice in interpreting and acting on the survey’s results.

Board Surveys’ current Board Advisory Partners have agreed to assist all buyers of Board Surveys’ surveys no matter their country of residence. Timely email advice is always available and verbal advice by phone or video-conference can be provided at a mutually convenient time.

We are setup to take payments by credit card (VISA and Mastercard) via Stripe and bank transfer (EFT).

You can select your preferred payment method in the checkout once you’ve selected your survey options.

If you select EFT, please ensure payment is made promptly so we can progress with your survey build. Please ensure to use your invoice number and organisation name as the payment reference.

Our bank details are:

Account Name: Insync Surveys Pty Ltd 
Bank:  Macquarie Bank 
Bank Address: 1 Shelley Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia 
Branch Name:  Sydney 
Bank Swift Code:  MACQAU2S
Bank State Branch (BSB) Number: 182 222
Account Number: 26719 5691

Yes. If Board Surveys is advised in writing within 3 business days of receiving your payment that you wish to cancel your purchase and be provided with a refund, Board Surveys will give a complete refund.

After 3 business days of your payment (but before your survey is launched) you are entitled to a refund of 60% of the amount paid.

Once your survey has launched you can advise in writing to cancel your purchase and you will be entitled to a refund of 30% of the amount paid.

No refund is available for a request received to cancel your purchase after the date you have requested the relevant survey be closed.

Once purchased you need to launch your survey and request a closure date within 12 months.

Most surveys are launched within a week or two of payment.

If you have not launched your survey and selected a closure date within 12 months of purchase, your payment will be forfeited in full.